[GMW #1154] Barbara's Paradise Earth Includes Meditation, Absence Of Trauma, Material Desires and Emotional Disturbances |
Wednesday 21 February 2007, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | |
Idea Dream - Paradise Earth - Celebrating Robert's 84th Birthday 10 March |
Barbara's vision of paradise includes meditation, living without luxury, freedom from the rat-race, and the absence of trauma, material desires, and emotional disturbances. Good Morning World is featuring one paragraph each day from Robert's 23 paragraph 2 page monograph Paradise Earth edited by Douglas Gillies, Robert's biographer. Paradise Earth is compiled from Robert's first 6,000 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World. The 23 pararaphs will lead to Douglas's teleseminar with Robert on Saturday March 10 at 9:00 am Pacific Time. Douglas will ask Robert questions from you and the listeners about his vision for Paradise Earth. This will hopefully be followed by a series of teleseminars on Paradise Earth with Robert and one special guest each time. To submit a question for Robert and to sign up for this free teleseminar click here: http://www.robertmullerpeacemaker.com . Send your ideas for Paradise Earth and birthday wishes for Robert's birthday by replying to this email or Contact Good Morning World. 4 Birthday wishes for Robert have been received so far. Send yours by Friday 9 March. * |
Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living |
Let us climb the mountains, let us wander in the clouds, let us go to the heavens to better see our wonderful Earth in her splendid wholeness. All astronauts experienced that. * |
My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Appendix 1, Highlihgts of the United Nations |
1949: Consultations initiated at the UN lead to a resolution of the crisis over Western access to the divided city of Berlin. The Assembly creates an agency to look after the welfare of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees in the Middle East. The UN and the specialized agencies begin the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance to help economic and social development in poorer countries. Experts from more that 50 countries attend the UN Scientific Conference on Conservation and Utilization of Resources. * |
Dear Robert Muller: Here is a "Public Peace Plan" at www.globalpublic.org. It is a practical plan for improving social justice using only non-violent methods. It is a Plan based on improving ethics and democracy. And, it has been improved through public review and comment. As a founder and editor of the Plan, I invite you to share your comments and thoughts on it. Sincerely, Ross King ... Our common basic goals are to: * advance the well-being of the next generation by advancing our character and environment * live in a spirit of universal altruism for advancing security and happiness * advance our awareness and understanding of all that is