| | | [GMW #1193] Peace Will Spread Throughout The World From Sacred Mt. Rasur | Monday 16 April 2007, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | | Idea Dream - Please Share What The Mountain Said | To: Robert From: shinah Re: [GMW #1192] Let Mountains Talk To Us What has the mountain said?..........................please share --- Thank you for asking what the mountains say to me.. Please go to my website www.robertmuller.org In the left sidebar scroll down to Main Sections and click on Mt. Rasur Legend and read our Mt. Rasur Legend. Mt. Rasur in Costa Rica has a legend that peace will spread through out the world from this Sacred Mountain. Love, Robert Muller Mt. Rasur, Costa Rica "My
sense of Peace is always enhanced when I'm standing on high ground,
overlooking the majestic beauty of Mother-Earth. It is very satisfying
to feel the wind in my face, and to imagine that others have stood in
the same place enjoying the same feeling of wellbeing. Sometimes, I'm
taken by the thought that people have been drawn to these places for
thousands of years. While all of these places inspire wonder and
tranquility, some stand out as Sacred. These Sacred places have a unique
effect on a person's spirit that at times is difficult to convey in
words. When the wind is allowed to speak, it opens the heart to the
power of the universe. A life is then transformed and continues to
change when it connects with just one of these Sacred Places like Mt.
Rasur". - Ronald Thomas Sunrise looking east atop Mt. Rasur * |
| Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 11 Of Power, Wealth & Glory | Do
not seek fame or glory. If they are needed by evolution they will come
by themselves. What you are, what you do, what you think, what you
say, what you write, will speak for you. You
will never be more than a tree which either produces good fruit or
remains sterile. If the fruit is good, people will love it. They are
primarily interested in the fruit and then only in the tree. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Appendix 1, Highlihgts of the United Nations | 1987:
The UN Environment Program obtains international agreement and
signature of a world convention on the protection of the ozonosphere.
The UN convenes the rust world conference on drug abuse and control of
illicit traffic of drugs * | | Dear Barbara & Robert, We
have recorded a one hour copy of the Telephone Broadcast that you and
Robert did for the Virtual Happiness Club on April 2, 2007. Now all your
subscribers can listen to you and Robert when you post this it inyour
Good Morning Newsletter and put it on your web site. Sharing Love, Peace and Happiness with you, Lionel http://www.happinessclub.com/ How fit to employ all the heart and the soul and the senses forever in joy!
Robert Muller and Tom Van Sant We Are Already Living In Paradise On Earth Teleseminar Wednesday, April 25, 2007 11:00 am Pacific - 2:00 pm Eastern Sign Up Here As
I wrote Robert Muller's biography, I went looking for his most
fundamental idea, the one central concept that best captured his unique
vision of the world. It's Paradise Earth! That's
Robert Muller's golden fleece. In his view, we live in a paradise, and
if we stop trying so hard to mess it up, we'll see that we really are in
paradise and life is a miracle. So what does
Paradise Earth look like? More specifically, what does Robert Muller see
when he talks about Paradise Earth, after spending 39 years as a
peacemaker at the UN? On April 25, 2007 at 11:00
am Pacific, I'm going to ask Robert Muller and Tom Van Sant. Tom is an
environmental planner, sculptor, painter, muralist, and architectural
designer. He is best know as the creator of the GeoSphere Project, for
which he was acknowledged by Al Gore twice in the Oscar-winning
documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." The GeoSphere Image marks a
milestone in cartographic history. It is the first satellite map of
Earth showing the real world it appears from space. Together
they will answer YOUR questions about Paradise Earth. I can't wait to
get them together: two of the world's leading holistic thinkers. This teleseminar won't cost you anything but your regular long distance charges. To get the call-in details, just go to and tell Robert and Tom your most important question. Then I'll send you the phone number and passcode. We
could spend the rest of eternity worrying about all the problems in our
world, but maybe we're missing the most important point. What if Robert
is right and we're already living in a paradise? What if to see the big picture, we just have to recognize that it's already perfect? Ask you question and sign up today by going to: http://www.robertmullerpeacemaker.com Douglas Gillies | | PROPHET - THE HATMAKER'S SON The Life of Robert Muller by Douglas Gillies To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from www.robertmullerbiography.com . - Robert Muller |  | Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness by Dr. Robert Muller To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Becky@ParaPublishing.com Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95 | * Subscribe to other lists moderated by GMW's editor Easy: - Better World News: http://at7l.us/mailman/listinfo/bwn_at7l.us - Learning News - children learning, how mind works: http://at7l.us/mailman/listinfo/learn_at7l.us | | | | | | |