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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Friday, April 20, 2007


[GMW #1197] Paying Attention Not Destroying Earth's Surface With Highways, Cities, Airports, Sports Places & Restoring Earth's Surface

[GMW #1197] Paying Attention Not Destroying Earth's Surface With Highways, Cities, Airports, Sports Places & Restoring Earth's Surface

Friday 20 April 2007, Editor: Easy

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Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 6001 to 6500

~ Idea 6320 ~

I wonder how much nature has been destroyed world-wide by the mere construction of innumerable highways, throughways, roads, down to simple rural roads. The result must be staggering. It might represent a good percentage of the Earth's surface.

The surfaces taken by housings, cities, airports, sports places, etc. would yield another big figure.

Mother Gaia:
"You are so right Robert. Humans rarely, if ever pay any attention to my surface and ground they are destroying. Thanks God they cannot build as yet on my seas and oceans."

Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 11 Of Power, Wealth & Glory
Before speaking to executives of multinational corporations, I always ask them for their profit figures and for the number of countries in which they operate. Then, in my speech I express surprise that they work only in say 70 or 80 countries and make only 2 or 3 billion dollars of profits a year in a world of 6.1 billion people and 191 nations. You should see their faces!

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995,
Appendix 1, Highlihgts of the United Nations

1991: The end of the cold war brings about the first destruction of atomic weapons.

Several peace negotiations of the UN are crowned with success in Central America and in Africa.

The French government suspends nuclear tests.

Heart to Heart Connection with the World for EARTH DAY 2007
from Anne Fasanella ~ Westport, CT ~ U.S.A.
To Whom It May Concern,
I have a dream...
plantING seeds of LOVE and PEACE
in our homes, communities,
and in our world.
Please help plant sunflower seeds
in front and back yard of your home,
neighborhood, town, city, country, and the world!
Let the Sun shine in our hearts with love.
Replant, Restore, Renew
seeds of LOVE and PEACE
Follow your Heart
- Anne Fasanella
"The seed will grow well, the vine will yield its fruit,
the ground will produce its crops, and the heavens
will drop their dew. I will give all these things ....
---Zechariah 8:12, (NIV)
"Habra paz cuando se siembre, y las vides daran su fruto;
la tierra producira sus cosechas y el cielo
enviara su rocio. Todo esto se lo dare .... "
---Zecharias 8:12, (NIV)
"Car les semailles prospereront, la vigne rendra son
fruit, la terra donnera ses produits, et les cieux
enverront leur rosee; je ferai jouir de toutes ces
choses le reste de ce peuple."
---Zacharie 8:12, (NIV)
" I will give all these things. "
Signature / Firma

Dear Dr. and Mrs. Muller and to whom it may concern,

What a surprise for Easter Week to find my poem I sent you in your Good Morning World Newsletter ! I have been for years since I have been small always doing daily random acts of kindness, following my parents examples, and trying to walk in their footsteps. This has been quite an honor, for you to share my poem, in your newsletter, as both parents taught me , since I have been able to speak, as a toddler, all about good deeds from the heart.

Both my parents grew up in The Depression. They were through out their entire lives giving gifts from the heart with kindness and love. My parents were extremely poor growing up, and taught all my brothers and sisters about poverty. Both my parents went to Yale on scholarships, and my Dad ended up becoming Head of the Eye Department at Yale for 10 years.My mother a surgical Nurse with a Masters Degree from Yale School of Nursing in Public Health., met my father at Yale New Haven Hospital, and then he went off to War in Europe. they had 6 children, and we traveled around the world with my parents, when we we not in school, and on our summer and school vacations, as my Dad lectured around the world, writing international text books on eye complications and surgery.

My Dad speaking 5 languages and putting eye clinics up throughout the world, writing books, also helped Fleming give the first penicillin, in United States. My father helped set up the American Hospital in Paris, while serving in WW2. My mother grew all our food
fruits and vegetables to share with those in need.

I send you my dream of planting sunflowers and seeds of love. for Earth Day and connecting heart to heart with the world.

I have had enrichment programs in libraries and schools planting sunflowers with children for more than 20 years, I do educational programs for schools, libraries, businesses and communities and create special events for large corporations, cities and towns.

My personal business is called Annie's Creative Arts. I am also a Registered Nurse, and have been a lifestyle specialist for children and adults. I have also been on the Community Emergency Response Team, with Westport and trained by FEMA for Emergency preparedness, as a volunteer on the CERT Team, working with the Westport Police and Fire dept.
I started the sunflower program in The New Haven Public Library,. back in 1986. This was a year round project. that involved children and the elderly as well as families and those who enjoyed gardening.

For the New Haven Public Library, and my children's Sunflower Program,
Each child planted 3 containers of sunflower seeds in the library that was downtown in the city of New Haven ... that they took home.
One for their family
one for a neighbor
and one for a stranger . They would have to give away the 3rd container as my project. of planting
SEEDS of Love.

this program I started grew larger when Earth Day started. I evolved this around Nature and planting sunflowers for birds and animals as well as for gardening.. The seeds would fall into the ground, and then the sunflowers from birds dropping the seeds would replant themselves .... and the sunflowers would multiply and so SEEDS OF LOVE !!!!

I have been known by alllllllllllllllllll my friends for sunflowers... for more than 25 years...

I have another program I do with sunflowers for Christian Churches I do special events I will send you this flyer. for you to share with any churches that may want to use my idea. and note I add ---
Jesus lives. and the Son shines ... versus Sun Shines. in my flyer.
My Christian faith has been my strength and my compass in life, thanks to my parents.
My mother was not Catholic. She belonged to a Congregational Church, and came from Irish, English, and Scotch descendents. My parents were married for more than 50 years
until my mother died from an accident at their home, when she was 85.

My mother's father was a farmer, and she had a Botany and Zoology degree from Hunter College. She left home at 8 years old to get an education. and live with her aunt, in NYC
My mother was a living saint for all she did, for her community, Yale, and those she met while traveling with my Father around the world.
GOD bless both for all you have done in your life time!!!!
With sincere gratitude for the priviledge of getting to know you both.
YOU are the best!

Anne Fasanella Westport Library April 15, 2007

Robert Muller and Tom Van Sant
We Are Already Living In Paradise On Earth

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
11:00 am Pacific - 2:00 pm Eastern

Sign Up Here

As I wrote Robert Muller's biography, I went looking for his most fundamental idea, the one central concept that best captured his unique vision of the world.

It's Paradise Earth!

That's Robert Muller's golden fleece. In his view, we live in a paradise, and if we stop trying so hard to mess it up, we'll see that we really are in paradise and life is a miracle.

So what does Paradise Earth look like? More specifically, what does Robert Muller see when he talks about Paradise Earth, after spending 39 years as a peacemaker at the UN?

On April 25, 2007 at 11:00 am Pacific, I'm going to ask Robert Muller and Tom Van Sant. Tom is an environmental planner, sculptor, painter, muralist, and architectural designer. He is best know as the creator of the GeoSphere Project, for which he was acknowledged by Al Gore twice in the Oscar-winning documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." The GeoSphere Image marks a milestone in cartographic history. It is the first satellite map of Earth showing the real world it appears from space.

Together they will answer YOUR questions about Paradise Earth. I can't wait to get them together: two of the world's leading holistic thinkers.

This teleseminar won't cost you anything but your regular long distance charges. To get the call-in details, just go to

and tell Robert and Tom your most important question. Then I'll send you the phone number and passcode.

We could spend the rest of eternity worrying about all the problems in our world, but maybe we're missing the most important point. What if Robert is right and we're already living in a paradise? What if to see the big picture, we just have to recognize that it's already perfect?

Ask you question and sign up today by going to:

Douglas Gillies

Prophet Cover
PROPHET - THE HATMAKER'S SON The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95

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