| | | [GMW #1199] Using Meaningful Words And Ideas Instead Of Meanlingless Words Coined by Big Business, Pharmaceuticals, Industries | Tuesday 24 April 2007, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | | Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 6001 to 6500 | ~ Idea 6360 ~ Innumerable mostly meaningless words are now being coined and used around the world by big business, pharmaceuticals, industries and manufacturers. They aim at being used by all peoples of the world, reducing human language to the essential and using new words for innumerable, often unnecessary purchases. It looks like a completely new era of humanity.
| Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 11 Of Power, Wealth & Glory | God is richer than all the wealth on Earth: He is the entire universe. Make Him your friend and you will have the richest friend thinkable. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Appendix 3 | Many Non-Government Organizations (NGO) accredited with the United Nations provide information on their activities of special interest in conjunction with the UN System. For information in your particular field of interest, write to the: NGO and Institutional Relations Section Department of Public Information Room S-1037 D United Nations New York, NY. 10017 United Nations World Conferences and Special Observances * | | "It is astonishing how short a time it takes for very wonderful things to happen." - Frances Burnett - Heart Math
Robert Muller and Tom Van Sant We Are Already Living In Paradise On Earth Teleseminar Wednesday, April 25, 2007 11:00 am Pacific - 2:00 pm Eastern Sign Up Here As I wrote Robert Muller's biography, I went looking for his most fundamental idea, the one central concept that best captured his unique vision of the world. It's Paradise Earth! That's Robert Muller's golden fleece. In his view, we live in a paradise, and if we stop trying so hard to mess it up, we'll see that we really are in paradise and life is a miracle. So what does Paradise Earth look like? More specifically, what does Robert Muller see when he talks about Paradise Earth, after spending 39 years as a peacemaker at the UN? On April 25, 2007 at 11:00 am Pacific, I'm going to ask Robert Muller and Tom Van Sant. Tom is an environmental planner, sculptor, painter, muralist, and architectural designer. He is best know as the creator of the GeoSphere Project, for which he was acknowledged by Al Gore twice in the Oscar-winning documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." The GeoSphere Image marks a milestone in cartographic history. It is the first satellite map of Earth showing the real world it appears from space. Together they will answer YOUR questions about Paradise Earth. I can't wait to get them together: two of the world's leading holistic thinkers. This teleseminar won't cost you anything but your regular long distance charges. To get the call-in details, just go to and tell Robert and Tom your most important question. Then I'll send you the phone number and passcode. We could spend the rest of eternity worrying about all the problems in our world, but maybe we're missing the most important point. What if Robert is right and we're already living in a paradise? What if to see the big picture, we just have to recognize that it's already perfect? Ask you question and sign up today by going to: http://www.robertmullerpeacemaker.com Douglas Gillies | | PROPHET - THE HATMAKER'S SON The Life of Robert Muller by Douglas Gillies To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from www.robertmullerbiography.com . - Robert Muller |  | Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness by Dr. Robert Muller To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Becky@ParaPublishing.com Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95 | * Subscribe to other lists moderated by GMW's editor Easy: - Better World News: http://at7l.us/mailman/listinfo/bwn_at7l.us - Learning News - children learning, how mind works: http://at7l.us/mailman/listinfo/learn_at7l.us | | | | | | |