| | | [GMW #1225] More Useful Statistic For A Better World - Too Many Unhealthful Plastic Bottles | Wednesday 30 May 2007, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | | Idea Dream - Robert Muller's Ideas 6001 to 6500 | ~ Idea 6250 ~ From the newspaper USA Today of 16 December 2003 Water bottles, water bottles everywhere American's increased water consumption is healthy, doctors say, but the plastic bottles aren't. Last year alone, more than 93 billion plastic water containers wound up in US landfills. Placed end-to-end, that's enough bottles to reach the moon and back 38 times. Nationally, the clear plastic bottles dumped into landfills annually could provide enough recycled material for 3.3 billion ski jackets or 546 million sleeping bags. California's Conservation Department is offering holiday shoppers an online national 'green gift guide' that it hopes will encourage consumers to recycle and buy recycled products, spurring more use of recycled material by manufacturers. "It's part of closing the loop," says department director Darryl Young. For example, L.L Bean offers Adirondack chairs made from recycled plastic jugs. My comment: we need many statistics like that for the entire world. My question: what will it be in a hundred years from now? * |
| Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living, Volume II Chapter 11 Of Power, Wealth & Glory | For many years on this Earth I have not found a theory, a science, a literature, an art, a methodology, a book of recipes of hope. I hope that the Center for a Science of Hope will fill that gap. * | | Daily Hope Dear Robert & Barbara, As I read your newsletter yet another day, deriving hope and vision from it, I realize two things: one, that I owe you great thanks and must communicate that now, two, that we as humans really are connected. It is through our connection with others that we will find our answers. Have a fantastic day and again what a gift that you both are on this planet!! Bev Missoula MT
| | PROPHET - THE HATMAKER'S SON The Life of Robert Muller by Douglas Gillies To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from www.robertmullerbiography.com . - Robert Muller |  | Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness by Dr. Robert Muller To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Becky@ParaPublishing.com Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95 | * Subscribe to other lists moderated by GMW's editor Easy: - Better World News: http://at7l.us/mailman/listinfo/bwn_at7l.us - Learning News - children learning, how mind works: http://at7l.us/mailman/listinfo/learn_at7l.us | | | | | | |